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Whether it's chewing on a bone or playing ball, there are a few basic MUST-DO'S for dog playtime.
  1. Chew Toy Stuffed Animals
One important thing about stuffed animal dog toys is that the dog should not get them confused with any stuffed animals for people in the house.
Another couple of tips
  • RIPPING APART- The dog has ripped it apart and is eating the stuffing. My poodle does that alot and we have a stool to keep broken toys. After that, if you know someone who sews (no, not a paid professional. A relative or friend) fix it up and you're back in business.
  • RESISTING THE TEMPTATION- This is in two parts.
- Don't buy a million toys for your dog. Spoiling is as bad for a dog as a child. My dog has 3 stuffed animal chew toys and a couple of bones, plus her beloved KONG Bottom and ball (look for a post on that later).
- Don't leave a dog in a crate with a toy, especially a stuffed animal toy. A dog might rip it apart (read the RIPPING APPART for when that happens when you're around) and choke. Same with a bone (breaking off a chunk).
